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Writer's pictureDarkwraith

Elden Ring is Perfect and Anybody That Says Otherwise is DEAD WRONG

Updated: Apr 20, 2022

As a fellow of the Git Gud Institution, I live and breathe Souls-like. I play souls-like platformers, racing, puzzle games, MMO's, board games. I know this format backwards and forwards.

Thanks to From Software, time and time again they reach new peaks of the genre creating perfect game after perfect game. But they have reached the Everest peak of the genre. Elden Ring is glorious culmination of decades of perfecting the formula. Finally they have it. The perfect cake. Never have I ever played something so wonderful and amazing.

The Combat, perfect. Fair but tough, empowering those who have truly mastered the game and have gotten gud. The PVP is especially where it shines, all your skills are tested and you feel the satisfaction of your mastery. And if you're averse to PVP you don't have to participate... Filthy casual.

Exploration, perfect. Never has game from this series been open world to this scale. The map is huge and adds hours to the experience. And every little exploration is rewarded. Open World makes everything better.

The Story, George RR Martin wrote it, he made Game of Thrones. Of course It's perfect and compelling!

Anybody who has a negative experience with the game or criticizes it is wrong. They just need to git gud. Once they git gud they will understand the beauty of the Souls formula. It's all about overcoming adversity, and only weak minded and weak willed individuals will ever say these games are bad or that they're anything aside from perfect.

If you didn't like Elden Ring, you need to go to your room, watch some Jordan Peterson and try again, and then you will understand, because otherwise you're just wrong.

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